Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Slides for Tuesday's lecture

Here are the slides I used during Tuesday's lecture on waves, which we'll finish up on Wednesday.

I will spell out what material related to waves will be on the last exam, but much of what we're covering is just for 'fun' because it is neat, very much a part of everyday life, and a lot of stuff you may not have noticed before. (Wait until we talk about whispering galleries.)

There is a huge tie-in with music/acoustics which we'll just touch on, and if you take PH102 later this summer we'll learn how audio electronics work. Turns out things like speakers, equalizers, and effects pedals are really not all that complicated in principle ... they are expensive for other reasons.

(Shameless plug: I had a few students construct their own amp + distortion pedal in my lab a while back. It was great fun, and they even learned something. Pictured with the guitar is Hunter Adams, who now does something completely different. You may have noticed.)

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